Spring has arrived and with it annual elections for SLaLS’ two student societies, SALADS for grad students and CATL for undergrads.
Newly elected representatives are:
SALADS (Society of Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies)
- Communications/Finance coordinator: Alex Ross
- Social coordinator: Kate Day
- Academic coordinator: Britt Amell (with Kirsten Paula)
- GSA representatives: Meral Hussein & Dat Tran
- GAC representatives: Meral Hussein & Kirsten Paula
- CUPE 4600 representative: Lisa Armstrong
CATL (Carleton Applied & Theoretical Linguistics Society)
- President: Andrew Muirhead
- VP-Internal: John Andrew Otis
- VP-Finance: Julian Heidt
- Social Media Officer: Aliah Luckman
- Public Relations Chair: Helena Verdier