Join the Department of French for an afternoon lecture by Assistant de France, M. Valentin Gréselle, on the Verbo-Tonal Method (VTM).  Created in the 1960s by Petar Guberina, VTM is a method for phonetic correction that focuses on the learners’ ear and tries to perfect their discrimination of the different sounds of the language under study.  Placing an emphasis on intonation, rhythm and body, VTM allows both learners and language teachers for a more active learning of the sounds and pronunciation of a foreign language. How would students of Mandarin, benefit from this? Students of German, Italian?

Visit the Au Son du Fle to learn more about this approach.

The talk will be given in French with questions and discussion in English and French.

  • Location: PA 129
  • Date/Time: 2 February (2:00 – 4:00 p.m.)

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Light refreshments and cookies will be served.

Contact Chantal Dion for more information.