On March 2nd, the 30th Annual Japanese Speech Contest was held in the embassy of Japan. The participants of the contest are currently learning Japanese in various organizations across the Ottawa and Kingston region. This year, 25 contestants participated in 4 categories: beginner, intermediate, advanced and open. The winner of each category will be sent to the national contest held March 24th at the Embassy of Japan Auditorium (255 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON).

Eight Carleton students delivered their inspiring speeches respectively. Following are the winners of prizes from Carleton:  Melissa Illing with the speech, “Who are you?” (1st prize of open category); Chikara Persaud with the speech, “Japanese Gacha culture” (1st prize of advanced category); Zehan Zhao with the speech, “Indecisiveness” (2nd prize of intermediate category), and Jenny Dai with the speech, “Then Please be Quiet” (Judge’s special prize).

The Annual Speech Contest has had positive effects for the past participants. A number refer to the ways it opened up further avenues in their lives. This year’s national contest will be held in Ottawa to celebrate its milestone.

Learn more about the 30th Canada National Japanese Speech Contest.

Swan flies over turtle on poster for 30th national Japanese speech contest