Seventeen students in Carleton Japanese courses participated the 31st annual Japanese Language Speech Contest in Ottawa. The contest was held in the Embassy of Japan on February 29th. The contestants are currently studying the language in Ottawa and Kingston region. The topics of speeches are varied with each contestant’s choice. Some talked about their interests in Japan and Japanese cultures, others shared their personal experiences or thoughts in their speeches.

Here are prize recipients from Carleton: Wentian Yao (1st prize of beginner category) with the speech of “The differences between high school and university”, Jason Deng (1st prize of intermediate category), with the speech of: “View on the stage”, Johar Pirzada (2nd prize of intermediate category), with the speech of  “When I become an adult” Rocky Zhou (3rd prize of intermediate category) with the speech of “reflection of the war”, Rupert Donovan (4th prize of intermediate category) with the speech of “Learning foreign languages”, Zhehan Zhao (1st prize of advanced category and Japan Expo Canada prize) with the speech of “Animators in Japan”, Mano Hooper (1st prize of open category) with the speech “El Salvador: To build a house, to make a home”, and Joshua Kamera (Judge’s special prize) with the speech of “Aging gracefully”.

Winners of each category are going to represent the region by participating in the Canada national Japanese speech contest on March 29th in Toronto.

Learn more.