It is time for the final Call for Papers for the conference “Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning.” Please note that the new final deadline for submissions is November 21, 2023.

This conference will be hosted at Carleton University June 27-30, 2024, and the theme for this conference is “Diversities, Discourses, and Digitalization.”

The organizing committee is pleased to confirm four plenary speakers: Helen Kelly-Holmes (Limerick), Amal Maddibo (OISE/ University of Toronto), Naiomi Metallic (Dalhousie University), and Tommaso Milani (Penn State). There will also be a featured round table with Jim Cummins, honouring the life and work of Tove Skutnabb-Kangas.

Additional information can be found on the conference website.

Questions about the conference can be sent to