Mark your calendars! On Thursday, April 11, 2024, we will be hosting our third annual Linguistics Graduate Student Conference.

This year, the topic of the conference is linguistics, as well as language documentation and revitalization.

Students are invited to submit an abstract to Lev Blumenfeld (Graduate Supervisor, Linguistics) by Sunday, March 17, 2024.

Students from units other than Linguistics (such as Cognitive Science and Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies) working in these areas are welcome to submit abstracts.

Please note that all presentations will be in the form of talks (not posters).

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  1. Abstracts are not to exceed one page in 12-point font, and must be in pdf format
  2. The abstract file name should be “lastname_firstname.pdf”
  3. Send your abstract to Lev Blumenfeld at by March 17, 2024 with the subject line “LING Conference 2024”

Stay tuned for more information about the conference – details and registration coming soon!