Photo of Hasnaoui El Fahem

Hasnaoui El Fahem

Current Program: MA in ALDS

After obtaining an MA in education from Ottawa U in society culture and literacies, I decided, in 2019, to gain more hands-on experience by choosing the MA program in applied linguistics and discourse studies (ALDS) with CTESL. The MA program at Carleton has made it possible for me to rediscover teaching and language learning from different, yet very arresting, perspectives I was never made aware of before. Today, I feel I am more capable especially when dealing with ESL/EFL students with differentiated yet fluctuating needs. The MA program at Carleton , I believe , is a priceless asset for those seeking solid foundational, professional and academic trainings .

Area(s) of Interest:

  • corrective feedback
  • academic writing
  • second language development