MacKay, E., Lynch, E., Sorenson Duncan, T. & Deacon, S.H. (2021). Informing the science of reading: Children’s awareness of sentence-level information is important for reading comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly.
Sorenson Duncan, T., Karkada, M., Deacon, S.H. & Smith, I.M. (2021). Building Meaning: Meta-analysis of Component Skills Supporting Reading Comprehension in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Autism Research.
Kay-Raining Bird, E., Genesee, F., Sutton, A., Chen, X., Oracheski, J., Pagan, S., Squires, B., Burchell, D., & Sorenson Duncan, T. (2020). Access and outcomes of children with special education needs in early French immersion. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education.
Sorenson Duncan, T., Mimeau, C., Crowell, N. & Deacon, S. H. (2020). Not all sentences are created equal: Evaluating the relation between children’s understanding of basic and difficult sentences and their reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology.
Sorenson Duncan, T. & Paradis, J. (2020). Home language environment and children’s second language acquisition: the special status of input from older siblings. Journal of Child Language. First view:
Sorenson Duncan, T. & Paradis, J. (2020). How does maternal education influence the linguistic environment supporting bilingual development in child L2 learners of English? International Journal of Bilingualism, 24, 46-61 (first published as an online first in 2018).
Newman, J. & Sorenson Duncan, T. (2019). The subject of ROAR in the mind and in the corpus: What divergent results can teach us. Linguistica Atlantica, 37, 1-27.
Sorenson Duncan, T. & Paradis, J. (2019). Using television to boost native-speaker input for L2-learning children: A cautionary tale. BUCLD 43: Proceedings of the Boston University Conference on Language Development, 639-652.
Sorenson Duncan, T., MacKay, E. & Deacon. S.H. (2018). Further implications of wearing literate glasses: Considerations for developmental research, psycholinguistics and clinical practice. Commentary in L’Année Psychologique, 118, 377-382.
Paradis, J., Rusk, B., Sorenson Duncan, T. & Govindarajan, K. (2017). Children’s second language acquisition of English complex syntax: The role of age, input and cognitive factors. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 37, 1-20.
Sorenson Duncan, T. & Paradis, J. (2016). English language learners’ nonword repetition performance: The influence of age, L2 vocabulary size, length of L2 exposure and L1 phonology. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 59, 38-49.
Paradis, J., Schneider, P. & Sorenson Duncan, T. (2013). Discriminating children with language impairment among English language learners from diverse first language backgrounds. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56, 971-981.
Tessier, A., Sorenson Duncan, T. & Paradis, J. (2013). Developmental trends and L1 effects in early L2 learners’ onset cluster productions. Bilingualism, Language and Cognition, 16, 663-681.
Blom, E. Paradis, J. & Sorenson Duncan, T. (2012). Effects of input properties, vocabulary size and L1 on the development of third person singular –s in child L2 English. Language Learning, 62, 965-994.
Paradis, J., Emmerzael, K., & Sorenson Duncan, T. (2010). Assessment of English language learners: Using parent report on first language development. Journal of Communication Disorders.43, 474-497.