Photo of Yoriko Aizu

Yoriko Aizu

Contract Instructor (Japanese)

Degrees:Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Ottawa; Master of Arts, Linguistics, University of Ottawa; Bachelor of Arts, Ritsumeikan University (Kyoto, Japan)

Recent publications:

  • Liceras, J. M., Llamazares, M. & Aizu, Y. (In press). Bilingualism and typological universals: On the predictability of the prosody of conjunctive coordination. In E. Babatsouli (ed.) Multilingual acquisition and learning: An ecosystemic view of diversity. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Aizu, Yoriko (2023). Word Order and the Prosody of Conjunctive Coordination, L1 Influence: The Case of Japanese-English Bilinguals. CAJLE 2023 Conference Proceedings

Work in progress:

  • Liceras, Juana M., Llamazares Marco& Aizu, Yoriko. Word order and the prosody of conjunctive coordination
  • Aizu, Yoriko & Liceras, Juana M. Divergent and convergent code-switching behavior.

Research interests:

Second language acquisition and education, heritage language acquisition and education, bilingual development, language processing, and Japanese syntax.

Other academic and professional activities:

  • Executive board member, Canadian Association of Japanese Language Education
  • Member, Organizing Committee for Japanese Speech Contest in Ottawa
  • Chair, Organizing Committee for National Japanese Speech Contest in Canada
  • Research collaborator, Language Acquisition Research Laboratory, University of Ottawa
  • Science committee member, CCERBALconference
  • Reviewer, Spanish Journal of Applied Linguistics
  • Reviewer, OLBI Working Papers
  • Guest speaker, Workshop organized by Dr. Ikuo Kawakami’s research group

Courses previously taught: