Patricia McGuire
Associate Professor
Degrees: | PhD |
Phone: | 613-520-5601 |
Email: | patricia.mcguire@carleton.ca |
Office: | DT614 |
October 2013
University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
Anishinaabe Giikeedaasiwin – Indigenous Knowledge: An Exploration of Resilience
May 2003
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON
Master of Arts
Worldviews in Transition: The Changing Nature of the Lake Nipigon Anishinabek Metis
November 1988
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON
Bachelor of Arts – Political Science
Honours Bachelor of Social Work
Patricia A. Monture & Patricia D. McGuire. (Eds). First Voices – An Aboriginal Women’s Reader.Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education, Inc.
Refereed Scholarly Publications
Chris Southcott, Patricia D. McGuire, Zussino, Alyssa, M.A., Benson, M.A. (2020). Issues with Creating Safe Spaces for Indigenous youth in urban areas using a Community and University-based research model, (Draft submit fall 2020). Canadian Review of Sociology (CRS).
Patricia D. McGuire. (2019). Indigenous Knowledges and Women Responsibilities as Invigorating Processes.” Book Chapter. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Decolonizing the Academy. S. Cote-Meek and T. Moeke-Pickering. (Eds). Canadian Scholar’s Press. Publication release date 2019.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2017). “Committing Sociology: The Tensions, Contradictions and Uneasiness of Stories, Social Research and the Resurgence of Indigenous Societies in Reconciliatory Canada.” Canadian Review of Sociology (CRS) Committing Sociology (Methodological and Epistemological Issues).
McGuire, Patricia D. & Van de Sante, Adje. (2016). Book Chapter. “Research with Aboriginal Peoples,” Research for Social Justice: A Community-based Approach. Adje Van de Sante and Karen Schwartz, (Eds). Fernwood Publishing.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2016). “A Case Study of Working in Indigenous Education within Structural Barriers in Canada.” Bill Lee & Sarah Todd. (Eds). Book Chapter. (2017). A Casebook of Community Practice – Problem and Strategies. Mississauga: CommonAct Press.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2011). “Indigenous Spaces in Sociology.” Tepperman, Lorne., Kalyta, Angela. (Eds). (2011) Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives. Eds. 2nd Edition. Toronto: Oxford University Press.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2010). “Exploring Resilience and Indigenous Ways of Knowing.” Pimatisiwin – A Journal of Indigenous and Aboriginal Community Health. Volume 8, No 2 – Fall 2010. Open source, www.pimatisiwin.com
Andersson Neil & Shea Beverley & Amaratunga Carol & McGuire Patricia & Sioui Georges. “Rebuilding from Resilience: Research Framework for a Randomized Controlled Trial of Community-led Interventions to Prevent Domestic Violence in Aboriginal Communities.” Pimatisiwin: A Journal of Aboriginal and Community Health. Volume 8, No. 2. Summer of 2010.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2009). Wiisaakodewikwe Anishinaabekwe Diabaajimotaw Nipigon Zaaga’igan – Lake Nipigon Ojibway Metis Stories about Women. Canadian Woman Studies issue, Indigenous Women in Canada: The Voices of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Women (Vol. 26, Nos. 3, 4). Article reprinted in “First Voices – An Aboriginal Women’s Reader.”
Patricia D. McGuire. (2009). “Introduction” co-authored with Patricia A. Monture & Patricia D. McGuire. Peer-reviewed. First Voices – An Aboriginal Women’s Reader. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education, Inc.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2009). “Conclusion” co-authored with Patricia A. Monture & Patricia D. McGuire. Peer-reviewed. First Voices – An Aboriginal Women’s Reader. Toronto: Inanna Publications & Education, Inc.
Patricia D. McGuire. (2008). Wiisaakodewikwe Anishinaabekwe Diabaajimotaw Nipigon Zaaga’igan – Lake Nipigon Ojibway Metis Stories about Women. Canadian Woman Studies issue, Indigenous Women in Canada: The Voices of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Women (Vol. 26, Nos. 3, 4).
Patricia D. McGuire. (2007). Restorative Dispute Resolution in Anishinaabe Communities – Restoring Conceptions of Relationships Based on Dodem. Peer reviewed paper for the National Centre for First Nations Governance, Vancouver, B.C.
Research Reports
Canadian Institute of Health Research – Draft Land-Based Manual ONWA, (August 2020 collaborative), for Gii Minwaajimo Mindimooyenyag Gikendaasowin – Holding our World Together Women’s Knowledge(s) and Stories. ONWA and Carleton University.
Canadian Institute of Health Research – Draft Final Research Qualitative Data Report from 2019/ 2020 Land-based Camps, for Gii Minwaajimo Mindimooyenyag Gikendaasowin – Holding our World Together Women’s Knowledge(s) and Stories, (July 2020) ONWA and Carleton University.
Canadian Institute of Health Research – Draft Final Report (June 2020). for Gii Minwaajimo Mindimooyenyag Gikendaasowin – Holding our World Together Women’s Knowledge(s) and Stories. ONWA and Carleton University. Thunder Bay and Surrounding areas.
Canadian Institute of Health Research – Draft Land-Based ZINE, (August 2020 collaborative), for Carleton University Graduate Student’s Research for Gii Minwaajimo Mindimooyenyag Gikendaasowin – Holding our World Together Women’s Knowledge(s) and Stories. ONWA and Carleton University, completion date 2021).
Please note:
From 2019 to 2020, I hired two PhD students for Research Assistants on CIHR project. In 2020, I hired eight Social Work MSW students as short-term Research Assistants for CIHR land-based research project. I supervised a MSW practicum student in summer 2020 working on the land-based project.
Spring 2019, Summer 2019, Fall 2019, Winter 2020 – Project Overview: Camp Reports for Gii Minwaajimo Mindimooyenyag Gikendaasowin – Holding our World Together Women’s Knowledge(s) and Stories. CIHR project. ONWA and Carleton University. Thunder Bay, ON.
Ontario Native Women’s Association and Carleton University – Video on Land Based Camps 2019.
Dr. Chris Southcott, Dr. Patricia D. McGuire, Josie Zussino, & Alycia Benson. (2019). Creating a Safe Space for Young Indigenous Women in Thunder Bay for the Ontario Native Women’s Association. Project Report. Ontario Native Women’s Association, Carleton University and Lakehead University, ON.