Sarah Gardiner, a third-year Honours Psychology student shares her thoughts with you about her research with children.

As an I-CUREUS participant I have helped support the research of Dr. Robert Coplan, who is interested in the activities children do both at and outside of school. I do this through helping prepare packages for participants and inputing data that the lab receives. Although these tasks are important and give me valuable knowledge with programs such as SPSS, my favourite experience by far has been interviewing children. Having the experience of being able to interact with young children in a research setting has only solidified my passion for developmental research.

The I-CUREUS program has given me the opportunity to have hands-on involvement in a field that I had previously only been exposed to on a theoretical level. Being involved in Dr. Coplan’s lab has equipped me with not only the essential skills of time management and organization, but also instilled a new-found confidence within myself. I would tell future students who are considering participating in I-CUREUS to go for it, for there is nothing to lose and so much to gain!