On Jan. 23, join the EDC and Mike Barker from the School of Linguistics & Language Studies for a pizza lunch and an in-depth discussion about the possibilities that exist when PoodLL meets Moodle.

PoodLL is a collection of plugins for Moodle that greatly enhances the system’s ability to seamlessly incorporate audio and video functionality for both students and instructors. This session will showcase a number of these tools including:

  • Audio/video recording assignments
  • Audio/video instructor feedback
  • Real-time virtual pair work (or small group work) options
  • Inline audio/video
  • Flashcards

PoodLL is not currently installed on cuLearn. The purpose of this session is to demonstrate the possibilities these plugins offer and to encourage support for their inclusion. It is intended for instructors who can see an application for this technology in their courses and for technology specialists who want to see the plugin in action.

The roundtable will run from 12-1 p.m. in room 422 Dunton Tower. Space is limited so register here today.