Group shot of the award winners holding their certificates with Peter Ricketts, Joy Mighty, Roseanne O'Reilly Runte and Andrew Barrett

From left to right: Dr. Peter Ricketts (Provost and Vice-President [Academic]), Dr. Joy Mighty (Associate Vice-President [Teaching and Learning]), Mark Brown, Laura McKendy, Shannon Dempsey, Melanie Fillingham, Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte (President and Vice-Chancellor) and Andrew Barrett (Assistant Director, EDC).

Dr. Roseann O’Reilly Runte (President and Vice-Chancellor), Dr. Peter Ricketts (Provost and Vice-President [Academic]), Dr. Joy Mighty (Associate Vice-President [Teaching and Learning]), and other members of Teaching and Learning Services celebrated the 2015-16 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award recipients at a private luncheon at Baker’s Grill on Friday, April 15.

Award winners Mark Brown (Department of Psychology), Shannon Dempsey (Department of Law and Legal Studies), Melanie Fillingham (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Laura McKendy (Department of Sociology and Anthropology) were all in attendance. Christina Williamson (Institute of African Studies / Institute of Comparative Studies in Literature, Art, and Culture) was unable to attend but will receive her certificate at a later date.

Learn more about our recipients, honourable mentions and nominees.

A group shot of the four award winners at Baker's

Award winners Laura McKendy, Shannon Dempsey, Mark Brown and Melanie Fillingham