Aaliyah Strachan

History & African Studies
Field of Research:
Food & Diaspora
David Dean

Reason For Participating

I thought this would be an interesting, fun, and new experience for me and my studies.


I have been attending events related to the research topic, meeting frequently, building a website, and doing online research.Everyone who is contributing is doing research based on their cultural background. I add to the Caribbean experience of diaspora. The goal of my individual research is to create a webpage of my research that links with everyone else’s research, they will then link to the page website.

Relation to Studies

In class, I often examine diaspora through the movement of people in the historical context, similarly to what I do for my research.

Value of Experience

The most valuable skills I have gained from this experience is understanding how to build a website. I think this is great because it is very useful transferable skill in such a rapidly growing world of technology. I also like that my work wasn’t graded—removing the pressure of grades allowed me to enjoy my work even more. Furthermore, my work is taken outside of academia and seen by a larger, more varied audience.

To Future Participants

I think I-CUREUS is a great idea for those planning on doing an honours thesis or a master’s degree. This opportunity will help you know what to expect and prepare you for the work. It’s great for developing your skills and networking with people in in your field. My recommendation for future participants is to have a plan/idea going in of what you want to work on. Also, knowing how to manage your time properly and be self-disciplined with your work is crucial for your success.