Alexandra Schroeder

B.Sc. Combined Honours in Neuroscience and Biology
Field of Research:
Searching the targetable ensemble in early-life epilepsy
Dr. Hongyu Sun

Reason For Participating

I was interested in getting into research and applying the knowledge I was gaining in the classroom. I then found out about the I-CUREUS program on the Carleton University website and thought it would be a great opportunity.


The goal of this research is to understand the roles of selectively activated neurons in early life seizures. I have been learning scientific techniques from master’s students and getting exposed to the laboratory environment outside of the classroom. The research group that I work with focuses on early-life epilepsy, critical period of brain development and Parkinson’s disease.

Relation to Studies

The work I’m doing through the I-CUREUS program is directly related to my course work. In courses such as Neuroscience of Mental Health and Neurological Disease I was able to learn about epilepsy and now I am able to help conduct research on the disorder. I have also applied some of the lab techniques that I learned in class. My research has made me see the real-life impacts and importance of what I’m learning in class and has enhanced my interest in my classes.

Value of Experience

The most valuable skills I have gained from this experience are the laboratory skills I have learned. I have also gained a better understanding of the research process. In the classroom, the experiments we are conducting have expected results and have been conducted many times in the past by other students, but through the I-CURUES program the research I get to help with is exploring new ideas with hypothesized outcomes.

To Future Participants

I would encourage anyone considering participating in this opportunity. It helps to show the real-world value of the knowledge that you are gaining in the classroom and exposes you to a possible career path.