In early May, Carleton will be upgrading our learning management system, cuLearn, from version 3.1.12 to 3.6.3. The upgrade will provide a clean, modern interface with many useful improvements to the existing functionality. While we complete this upgrade, cuLearn will be unavailable starting at noon on Friday, May 3 until 7 a.m. on Monday, May 6.

Some changes you can look forward to are:

  • Automatic creation of lab/tutorial groups
  • Fewer blocks and less clutter on your course page, with more customization options
  • Specified assignment file types for student assignment uploads
  • Kaltura Capture media server integration
  • Gradebook exports that match the column order of E-grades uploads
  • A hidden course total column by default in the grader report

You can find the latest information about the changes, including screenshots of the new interface, on the cuLearn support site.

Please note that this upgrade will take place within the 10-day period for the submission of final grades to the E-Grade system for approval. If you plan to calculate grades in cuLearn, please download them to your computer prior to May 3.

This upgrade will not affect any data or content added to your courses and you will be able to continue working on your courses after 7 a.m. on May 6.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at