Exciting new changes are coming to cuLearn in May 2019! Let the EDC be your tour guide as we explore the upgraded system together. We’ll be offering four short sessions in early May to take you on a visual tour of the newly upgraded cuLearn interface, its additional features, and enhanced functionality.   

The sessions will run in room 422 Dunton Tower on:

  • May 2 from 1-1:30 p.m.
  • May 3 from 10-10:30 a.m.
  • May 7 from 12:30-1 p.m.
  • May 8 from 1-1:30 p.m.

Some key “stops” on our tour include:

  • The simplified cuLearn dashboard
  • Changes to the course participants link (adding users to your course page)
  • Customizable course pages and blocks
  • Specified assignment file types for online submissions
  • All-in-one student calendar
  • Built-in audio recording options
  • Kaltura Capture media server integration
  • Gradebook setup improvements

We hope you can join us! Feel free to stay after the tours for 1.5-hour cuLearn Course Design Drop-in sessions where we can assist you with your specific course needs and questions.

If this time doesn’t work with your schedule or if you would like a cuLearn introductory session, you can also book an appointment for one-on-one consultations about any aspect of cuLearn, including the gradebook.