By Suzan Chakra, Undergraduate Honours Student, Neuroscience & Biology, TA in the Department of Chemistry

In an era where digital technology shapes the future of education, it is imperative to adeptly maneuver within this framework to promote inclusive learning worldwide. While certain research indicates enhanced student performance in virtual settings, contrasting findings suggest a decline. Regardless, virtual learning has become a significant component of Carleton University’s education and it is important to utilize it to the education’s advantage. With one of the most powerful tools to exist in this era, artificial intelligence (AI) apps, such as ChatGPT, its misuse by students is a big concern. Instances of plagiarism, biases, and dissemination of misinformation underscore educators’ struggle against AI’s use, which is often met with disapproval from diverse educational systems (Powell & Leech, 2023). However, the question arises: How can AI chatbots provide an opportunity to enhance inclusivity within the education field?

Reflecting on my experience as a Teaching Assistant at Carleton University, I have found that students struggle academically but even struggle harder seeking help. AI chatbots can not only assist in student learning, but also give the students more confidence in their problem-solving skills. With the use of NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology, ChatGPT comprehends and engages with users’ inquiries in a conversational fashion. It is readily accessible with the ability to provide personalized feedback on assignments, recommending learning resources, and even delivering lectures (Alshahrani, 2023). While I have a goal to implement inclusive learning in my assigned TA classroom and foster an environment where students feel comfortable and encouraged to ask questions, this is a challenge to achieve, as every classroom is different, therefore, I would need personalized strategies to implement this. Some educators are using AI to provide a curriculum accessible to students with special learning needs while others use it to provide simpler approaches to complex topics. Traditional technology tools like spelling and grammar checkers, text-to-speech, and note-taking aids are being enhanced with AI capabilities. Furthermore, these AI tools are not only beneficial for students with special educational needs but can also aid all learners (Powell & Leech, 2023).

ISC research – a leading provider of data, intelligence, and market research services specializing in the international schools market – discussed the potential of artificial intelligence for inclusion. The consultants conveyed the idea that banning AI use in education settings would deprive students and educators from an extremely potent tool that can help develop their critical thinking skills. Instead, by incorporating AI tools into teaching methods, users are encouraged to interact critically with this technology. While educators, such as TAs and instructors, may show students how to use AI responsibly, evaluate responses for accuracy and bias, and deal with issues like plagiarism, students can use ChatGPT to improve their writing abilities and grasp of ideas. In the end, it was found that increasing curricular access through the use of AI promotes inclusion and equity in the classroom (Powell & Leech, 2023).

Additionally, a research paper explored the integration of AI, particularly ChatGPT, into blended learning systems to enhance effectiveness and sustainability. The integration of digital learning with traditional instruction, known as blended learning, has become more popular, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic, due to its capacity to improve student engagement and flexibility. AI is capable of analyzing student performance data to customize the educational process based on each student’s interests, abilities, and weaknesses. Moreover, it enhances instructional efficiency by minimizing administrative processes and improving course delivery. By reducing the impact on the environment and increasing educational accessibility, the use of AI technologies like ChatGPT in blended learning empowers students to develop the skills necessary for a sustainable future (Alshahrani, 2023).

As both a student and a TA at Carleton University, I have utilized a range of AI tools to support my educational journey. These tools range from apps for creating infographics to paraphrasing tools like QuillBot and chatGPT.  In my role as a TA, I have utilized chatGPT by helping me paraphrase my explanation to students in a simpler and more convenient fashion. However, as a student, I am also aware of the potential risk of unintentionally violating the Academic Integrity rules. It is undeniable that AI chatbots are increasingly utilized in education. With that being said, and what was mentioned above, it is essential to approach their implementation in classrooms with sensitivity.

With emphasis, AI should not be used to create student work or ideas; rather, the aim is to be able to educate young students who are struggling academically with AI apps. This tool, as many other tools present in the education field, should be used with caution and integrity, ensuring that it is only used to polish and refine students’ work and ideas. Overall, I strongly advocate for teaching assistants and instructors to educate students on the appropriate use of AI before the semester begins. With AI’s proper navigation in the education realm, inclusive learning will be incorporated across various classrooms and used, while upholding integrity by students and educators.


Alshahrani, A. (2023, June 17). The impact of ChatGPT on blended learning: Current trends and future research directions . Growingscience.

Powell, O. K., & Leech, B. (2023, August 31). The potential of artificial intelligence for inclusion. ISC Research.