Contract Instructor Orientation – Fall 2024

August 20, 2024 at 5:30 PM to 8:30 PM


If you’re a contract instructor who will be teaching an online, blended, in-person, or hyflex course this term, we are here to help you! Whether you’re getting ready to teach your first course at Carleton, or if you’re returning after a break, you undoubtedly have questions about policies and procedures, teaching tips, and educational technology.

Our new orientation will have two parts.

Part One (*now viewable*) will be online and asynchronous, and it includes a series of screen capture recordings and supporting materials that you can consult, at your convenience, in the online environment. We ask that you take some time between now and the live synchronous session to review those materials and prepare questions.

Part Two will be online and synchronous (Tuesday, August 20th, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.), with registrants and hosts gathering via Zoom to do some brief introductions and then take your questions relative to the online resources and/or other areas participants wish to discuss. The Q&A session will have representatives from TLS on hand to help answer your questions. Information about the Zoom session will be sent to registrants privately, via email, closer to the date of the synchronous session in question.

Space in all live Q&A sessions over Zoom is limited, so please be sure to register in advance using the form below.