Note: Applications for SaPP will be open from Monday, December 9, 2024, to Tuesday, January 7, 2025 (at 11:59pm). Instructors are encouraged to apply for any upcoming courses (Summer or Fall 2025 term), but projects must be completed by April 10, 2025. Unfortunately, we are not able to make any exceptions.  Please reach out to with any questions. 

Before applying for SaPP, please note:

  1. Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) will fund the student via a one-time payment upon completion of the SaPP project (up to 130 hours of work at minimum wage + 4% vacation pay). Student partners must complete their specified hours, a FUSION module and a SaPP Capstone for their SaPP project to be completed. SaPP Capstone submissions should help communicate the results of the partnership back to the teaching and learning community.
  2. Funding for SaPP Student Partners is limited. Applications are not guaranteed to be accepted.
  3. SaPP Projects must be completed in advance of the relevant course. You may not apply for Winter SaPP funding for a Winter term course.
  4. SaPP Projects must be completed within one term.
  5. TLS does not match instructors/librarians/teaching support staff members and student partners.
  6. Students participating in the Students as Partners Program will be required to complete a SaPP capstone and a FUSION module to further contribute to their academic and professional development. More information about the modules will be forwarded to you upon your acceptance into the program.

The Students as Partners Program is no longer accepting applications for 2025. Thank you for your understanding. Should you have any questions please feel welcome to reach out to