1. Compliance Training (Mandatory)
  2. Pedagogical Training (Voluntary)
  3. TA Cafes
  4. TA Central Hub
  5. TA Brightspace Support Site
  6. Teaching Certificates
  7. Other Helpful Resources

Below you will find a quick guide to a collection of training opportunities and resources available to help you get started as a graduate or undergraduate teaching assistant at Carleton.

Compliance Training (Mandatory)

As per the Collective Agreement between CUPE 4600 (unit 1) and Carleton University, all TAs at Carleton are “required to successfully complete compliance training as a condition of employment as mandated by Ontario legislation” (14.01). As such, all Carleton TAs must complete the following online modules:

  • AODA: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
  • AODA: Employment Standard Training
  • Information and Communications Training
  • Workplace Violence and Harassment Training
  • Worker Health and Safety Awareness

To complete compliance training, log in to Carleton Central, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the “Online Courses” section.

Deadlines and Compensation

This training must be completed by October 15 of the fall term; by February 15 of the winter term; and by June 1 of the summer term. Upon completion of this compliance training TAs will be compensated five hours pay as per Article 23.03. Compliance training is only required to be completed once during your employment at Carleton. Human Resources tracks the completion and remuneration for all compliance training.

Note: “the employer reserves the right to amend from time to time, and in accordance with legislative requirements, the […] list of compliance training modules. The union will receive written notification of such amendments at least six (6) weeks prior to their implementation” (14.01). This means that you can expect the suite of compliance training modules to grow over time, with all Carleton employees being responsible for making sure they are in full compliance.

Pedagogical Training (Voluntary)

Pedagogical training refers to ongoing, voluntary training opportunities, available to all TAs conducted between September-November and January-March (deadlines are November 30 and March 30).

Teaching assistants have the opportunity, each academic year (September to end of March) in which they are assigned as TAs to complete up to five hours of paid pedagogical training. Training is offered in both the fall and winter terms, but it can only be completed for pay during the terms in which you are a TA. We strongly recommend completing training early in the semester, when there is time to implement what you have learned. Fall-only graduate TAs need to complete their training hours before November 30 to receive full payment; and winter-only and full-year TAs need to do so before March 30.

There are several training options available to TAs via the following platforms:

  • Carleton Central (workshops and teaching talks, departmental training sessions)
  • TA Training through Teaching and Learning Services (workshops both live and recorded, TA Central Hub in Brightspace, certificate programs, resources and more)
  • Graduate Professional Development Events Calendar (workshops on professional development, including areas such as research and writing, career planning, health and wellness, and more)

Below are just some of the workshop offerings from TLS:

How to register: Log in to Carleton Central >>TA Management Tab>> TA Training>> TA Training Registration
Contact us with any questions: TASupport@cunet.carleton.ca

  • TA Basics 101
  • Providing Feedback on Exams and Assignments
  • Educational Technology
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)
  • Leading and Managing Tutorials
  • Resumes and CVs
  • Preparing for Job Interviews
  • Time Management as a TA
  • Navigating Difficult Discussions in the Classroom
  • Work-life Balance as a TA
  • Supporting Students in Distress
  • Supporting Students with Disabilities
  • Mental Health Support for TAs
  • Fostering Inclusion for Indigenous Peoples in a Learning Environment

For more information on dates/times and other topics, and to access pedagogical training, log in to Carleton Central, scroll to the TA Management section and click “TA Training” in September. For additional training options please visit or the Graduate Professional Development event calendar. For access to previously recorded workshop sessions, please visit the TA Central Hub.

Deadlines and Compensation

As pedagogical training is voluntary, it can be completed anytime throughout the term of your TA assignment. Upon completion, TAs will be compensated up to five hours of pay per year, paid out at the end of the term as per Article 23.01. The Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs tracks the completion of and remuneration for all pedagogical training.

TA Cafes

An informal and relaxed space to chat and socialize with other TAs. Come and connect with others, share concerns, and ask questions. Zoom links shared via TA Central Hub (in Brightspace).

Upcoming TA Cafes: Fall 2024 schedule available in early September

TA Central Hub

TLS has launched a Brightspace page just for TAs that offers pre-recorded training videos, resource materials, and a forum for TAs to share resources related to online teaching. To enroll in the TA Central Hub, please contact TASupport@cunet.carleton.ca. Note that all TAs that were previously enrolled in the cuLearn edition of the TA Central Hub have been automatically added to the Brightspace version.

TA Brightspace Support Site

Brightspace is Carleton’s Learning Management System (LMS). You can log in at brightspace.carleton.ca using your MC1 credentials to begin exploring what is available to you. TLS has developed a  Brightspace TA Support website, where you can find documentation on how to navigate and use the system, as well as a Getting Started in Brightspace for TAs video.  TLS will also be offering consultations for TAs looking for one-on-one assistance.

Teaching Certificates

Teaching certificates are an excellent opportunity to develop your skills, engage in discussion with like-minded colleagues and explore your role as an educator in greater depth and detail.

Preparing to Teach: This advanced blended certificate program is intended primarily for PhD candidates who intend to pursue a career in academia. The program is 10 weeks of intensive online sessions, with a mix of weekly asynchronous and synchronous course components.

Certificate in Teaching Assistants Skills: This self-directed certificate program was revamped in fall 2021 to recognize and encourage pedagogical training, experiential learning, as well as to improve the confidence and skills of teaching assistants at Carleton.

Other Helpful Resources

For additional resources to help you succeed as a Carleton teaching assistant, please visit our Resources page.