Course Instructor: Logan Cochrane, BGInS

Course Description:
Rising inequality is considered as one of the key challenges for the 21st century. South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world. In partnership with a university in Cape Town, we will learn and experience the ways inequalities have been shaped. In learning about colonialism, we will also visit the Slave Lodge. In learning about apartheid, we will visit Robben Island (where Nelson Mandela was held) and the District 6 Museum (where people were displaced from). We will also visit Groot Constantia, to see the other side of inequality. We will learn about contemporary inequalities and visit NGOs working in different areas of society. Outside of the class, Cape Town offers many exciting places to go and things to see, which we will make time for (e.g. Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch Gardens, the Waterfront, Cape of Good Hope, penguins). We will post more news when this is confirmed.  If you have applied for the Ethiopia course, there is no need to re-apply. We will use your original application. Please continue to apply using the current application form.

Academic Requirements:

  • Both undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply

Travel Dates:

  • Course segment Carleton University: Apr 27-29, 2020 (mandatory for all students)
  • Course segment Cape Town, South Africa: May 3-21, 2020 (mandatory for all students)
  • Submission final assignment and official end of the course: June 5, 2020 (assignment to be submitted)

Deadline to Apply: Dec 10, 2019 – extended from Dec 1.

Financial Considerations:

Cost: Carleton course tuition plus $1177 travel supplemental fee (includes lectures, accommodation, ground transportation while in Cape Town, South Africa).

Fees: $1177 (International airfare, meals and personal expenses are not included).

Deposit: $250 due 4:30pm on Friday February 7th. Remaining amount: $927 due 4:30pm on Friday March 13th.

Deposits and payments can be made with a cheque, money order or bank draft made out to Carleton University.

Include your student number on the memo line.

We are not able to accept cash.

Please hand deliver deposits and payments to the main BGInS office in 2404R Richcraft Hall.

BGInS students should apply for the IER Bursary.