Our alumni have completed their theses, research projects, and dissertations on a wide range of issues that are essential to us as a society today. Many have established themselves in a career that helps influence positive change in the private and public sectors.

Read their individual stories, learn how their degree in Political Economy advanced their careers, and why they recommend studying at Carleton University!

Are you an alumnus?

Fill out our alumni profile form below to be featured on this page.

Alumni Profile Submission

Our program highlights our Alumni, the graduates who studied hard to achieve their goals with pride and sensibility. Your profile will help the Institute of Political Economy inspire current and prospective students to provide an idea of the variety of career paths available. The Institute of Political Economy invites you to answer a few questions and complete the form below. The questions focus on your experiences taking Political Economy at Carleton, the benefits of its unique interdisciplinary nature, and the relationship between your education and your current work and future career goals. We're excited to hear from you! Thank you.

  • Include your degree (e.g. MA, or PhD)
  • Tell us what you're doing now in 25 words or less
  • How did your studies at the Institute of Political Economy help shape your career or life today?
  • Tell us a bit more about your research and time at Carleton, highlighting the interdisciplinary benefits of the program (classes you took, faculty and peers you worked with etc.)
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 10 MB.
    Please provide us with a high resolution 5x7 or 8x10 inch photo, ideally a portrait style photo of yourself to go along with the Alumni profile.
  • Your Twitter, LinkedIn, blog, website or email address so alumni, prospective and current students can connect with you

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