Tuesday, November 12, 2024Carleton Students Create Browser Extension to Help Remote WorkersThird-year computer science students Kashyap Achar and Tobias Schlagenhaufer first met at an Ontario-wide coding competition and have been looking for the perfect problem to solve... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Grad Stories 2020: Carleton Post-doc Educates Children about CybersecurityCarleton postdoctoral researcher Sana Maqsood has spent years studying how to keep students safe, most recently by leading a Carleton collaboration with MediaSmarts that upgraded... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Grad Stories 2020: Lifelong Learning: York Prof Returns to the Classroom at CarletonAlthough York University Prof. Sandra Gabriele has practiced and taught design for almost 40 years, she still loves to be a... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024The School of Computer Science is proud to welcome three new faculty members!The School of Computer Science is proud to welcome three new faculty members. Dr. Alina Shaikhet, appointed as an Instructor, holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carleton... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Congratulations class of 2020!Congratulations, you made it! It’s time to celebrate all the hard work that led to this joyful occasion.... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Computer Science alum launch RideBuddie app to serve long-distance ride share marketAs COVID-19 dominated headlines and monopolized public consciousness, a significant shift in Canada’s transportation network went mostly... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024SCS Introduces Laptop RequirementThe School of Computer Science has introduced a laptop requirement for all first year Computer Science students and everyone enrolled in a 1st year COMP course. This will be in effect once students are physically back on... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Carleton Researcher Develops COVID-19 AppWei Shi, an associate professor in Carleton’s School of Information Technology, has developed an app that informs users if they could have been exposed to known COVID-19 cases – without ever collecting their personal... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024TA Award Winners and Nominees for 2019-20Congratulations to all TA Award Winners and Nominees for 2019-20 academic year! Manuel Lebron Flores - School of Computer Science TA Excellence Award Winner (Undergraduate) Francois-Xavier Chaplain Corriveau - School... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Khadija Baig Provost Scholar Award RecipientsKhadija Baig is a computer science student with a minor in psychology who has extensive research experience and was selected to represent Carleton at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research in Montana in... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Audrey Girouard Earns Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher AwardGirouard’s research pioneers novel interaction techniques with emerging computer interfaces, and it earned her a 2019 CS-CAN/Info-CAN Outstanding Young Computer Science Research... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Carleton Computer Science Students Complete First-in-Canada Shopify Dev DegreeDev Degree is a first-in-Canada four-year, work-integrated learning program that combines hands-on developer experience at Shopify with an accredited computer science... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Carleton Receives NSERC Grants to Support Innovative Industry PartnershipsProsenjit Bose, professor in the School of Computer Science is one of seven Carleton University researchers that have received Engage Grants from the Natural Sciences and... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024New Internet Security textbook from Computer Science faculty memberThe School of Computer Science is proud to announce the availability of a new book Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels (Springer Nature, 2020) by Carleton... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Cancelled – Annual Computer Science End of Year BBQ – CancelledThe School of Computer Science (SCS) and Carleton Computer Science Society (CCSS) welcomes ALL computer science, HCI and Data Science students, faculty, staff and CS alumni to our... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Carleton Crew at Canopy Growth is Shaping the Future of Canada’s Cannabis IndustryThird year computer science student David Nguyen, who recently completed a total of 12 months with Canopy Growth’s software development... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Maclean’s Latest Rankings Confirm Carleton’s MomentumAmong all universities in Canada (49 were ranked), Carleton’s programs in computer science, engineering and mathematics were ranked in the top... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Navigating the Job Market: Hala Assal, PhD in Computer Science (2018)For graduate students engaging in career planning, recent Master’s and PhD alumni can be valuable sources of information. Read Hala's story about the post-graduation job search,... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Developer Student ClubsDeveloper Student Clubs (DSC) help thousands of student developers learn together and work with their communities to solve real-life problems. University students who lead a DSC, gain access to Google technology, events, and... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Rebel Computer Grad Rocks Music WorldNicholas Osborne is a bit of a black sheep. Despite growing up in a liberal arts family — his father John Osborne was dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Carleton, while his mother, Colette Osborne, was an adjunct... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award WinnerCongratulations Dr. Robert Biddle for winning the 2018-19 Faculty Graduate Mentoring Award! ... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Big Ideas About Big DataFrank Dehne, the institute’s founding director and Carleton Chancellor’s Professor of Computer Science, reported that enrollment in its interdisciplinary program was growing quickly (from 80 students to 120 in one year) and that a... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Celebrating Women in Science... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024SCS Memoriam to Sylvain PitreIt is with deep sadness that we inform the Carleton community of the death of Sylvain Pitre, Manager, Research Computing Services, who passed away on Feb. 23, 2019, after a brief illness. Dr. Pitre has been associated with the School... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Desk Nibbles Startup success has Carleton rootsAlongside his brother Emil, a Carleton Computer Science graduate and Desk Nibble's chief technology officer, Aite delivered a Lead to Win lecture at Carleton on Feb. 4, 2019, one of six Lead to Win lectures scheduled for the... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024cuHacking 2019We would like to inform you that the applications for cuHacking 2019 are now open! cuHacking is an hackathon held at Carleton over the weekend of February 16-17th. A hackathon is an event where students work in teams to build coding... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Computer Science Instructors win Teaching AwardsCongratulations to Milica Stojmenovic and Robert Collier for winning the CI Teaching Innovation Grant and winning a professional achievement awards respectively! Thank you for your outstanding contributions to Carleton and... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Fall Convocation: Hala Assal’s Journey to a PhD in Computer ScienceGraduation may have been the destination, but when asked to reflect on her doctoral studies at Carleton, Hala Assal says she’s most proud of the... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Shopify Springboard for StudentsCarleton undergrads are enthusiastic participants in Carleton’s unique Dev Degree internship partnership with Shopify, where students split their time between campus and the company’s downtown headquarters, getting tuition covered... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Departmental TA AwardsDepartmental TA Awards 2017/2018 Nominate a School of Computer Science TA for an award. Any faculty, contract instructor and student are welcome to nominate their TA. Detailed info (Computer Science): SCS-TA-Award-2017-2018 TA Awards... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Prestigious NSERC research grants for School FacultySonia Chiasson, Audrey Girouard and Yuhong Guo’s research projects are so impressive that they have received an additional boost in funds from the government.... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Carleton Hosts and Wins Cybersecurity ChallengeFour Carleton University undergraduate students won this year’s CyberSCI-Ottawa Cyber Security Mayor’s Challenge... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Grad Research: Educating Children About CybersecurityIn our increasingly connected and online world, navigating spam, identity theft, frauds and other cybersecurity issues has become more and more important, especially for children. Luckily,... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Contract Instructor (CI) Opportunities for Winter 2018 Term and Multi-Term Agreement Opportunity 2017-2019The School of Computer Science invites applications from members of the CUPE 4600-2 bargaining unit and other interested persons to teach... MoreTuesday, November 12, 2024Grad Research: A Day in the Life of the Jo’sIn our increasingly connected and online world, navigating spam, identity theft, frauds and other cybersecurity issues has become more and more important, especially for children. Luckily, researchers like Sana Maqsood... More« Previous Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next » Share: Twitter, Facebook Short URL: https://carleton.ca/scs/?p=11486