On Saturday, August 31 cuLearn will be getting its annual upgrade. These upgrades are a means of continually improving the system.

The upgrade is both to the core (going from Moodle 2.1 to 2.4) and to the functionality. The overall look and feel will be very similar to the current version, only with a modernized look and a simplified, intuitive interface. It will also be responsive, accessible and faster.

Some of the improvements in this upgrade include:

  • better file management and access;
  • control of resources and activities;
  • new course layout options and management tools;
  • assignment improvements including rubrics, offline marking, date extensions and student submission statements;
  • better quiz attempt handling;
  • new book activity type;
  • course lists will not be organized by semester; and
  • many other smaller improvements.

One of the key strengths of cuLearn is its extensibility through plugins that add extra functionality, integrations with other applications, and customization of the user interface. The EDC welcomes suggestions for future plugins to be added to cuLearn. The LMS steering committee evaluates and selects which plugins should be added. To learn more about the LMS steering committee information and to suggest new feature requests, please click here.

During the upgrade on Saturday, August 31, the system will be unavailable. There will be no impact to any content contained within cuLearn.

More details coming soon!