For the second year, the Green Revolving Fund Committee is accepting applications from faculty, staff and students. The university’s $1 million Green Revolving Fund as part of its campus-wide Energy and Sustainability Program.

A Green Revolving Fund Committee (GRFC) will evaluate all submissions. The main criteria for consideration are that the application highlights its positive environmental impact, as well as demonstrates a financial payback. Other criteria will also be considered.

Submissions are now being accepted. The deadline for applications is Nov. 28. All members of the Carleton community are encouraged to participate. The savings realized by the project(s) will be returned to the Green Revolving Fund to repay the initial investment.

Submit an application to the Green Revolving Fund here. You can also view the project ideas that were submitted last year, including the winning ideas here.

The fund is being managed by Carleton’s Financial Services Department and overseen by the GRFC. If you have questions about the Green Revolving Fund, please contact