On Saturday, May 3, cuLearn was upgraded from Moodle version 2.4 to version 2.6.2. These annual upgrades are meant to continually improve the system, by addressing issues like speed, bug fixes and adding new features. The overall look and feel is very similar to version 2.4, only with a modernized look and a simplified, more intuitive interface.
Some enhancements include:
- better grading features;
- improved course management;
- improved text editor and file management;
- improved assignments, including marking workflow and allocation;
- the ability to edit course activities and resources more easily;
- and a better responsive design.
For screenshots and a complete list of new features, please visit the cuLearn updates page.
One of the key strengths of cuLearn is its extensibility through plugins that add extra functionality, integrations with other applications, and customization of the user interface. The EDC welcomes suggestions for future plugins to be added to cuLearn. The LMS steering committee evaluates and selects which plugins should be added. To learn more about the LMS steering committee and to suggest new feature requests, please click here.