On behalf of Provost and Vice-President (Academic) Peter Ricketts, we are pleased to announce Carleton University’s new Contract Instructor Teaching Innovation Grant.

Contract Instructor Teaching Innovation Grant Award
In accordance with the new CUPE 4600, Unit 2 Collective Agreement, the purpose of the Teaching Innovation Grant award is to provide support for investigating student learning and alternative approaches to teaching and assessing student learning at the individual, departmental, faculty, or institutional levels. The overall aims are to foster deep student learning at Carleton University and promote curiosity, reflection, and exploration in the areas of teaching and learning. Learn more and view the terms of reference here.

Applications and Deadlines
To apply for an award, please forward your application electronically to the attention of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) c/o Norah Vollmer at facultyaffairs@carleton.ca. If you prefer, you will also be able to submit a hard copy.

For this year, the deadline to submit your application to the Provost’s Office is Monday, May 11, 2015.

Support for Your Application
The Educational Development Centre team is happy to consult individually with contract instructors to offer suggestions on completing applications. For more information, contact edc@carleton.ca.

Additional information for the award is available in the CUPE 4600, Unit 2 Collective Agreement. Should you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Norah Vollmer, Manager, Faculty Affairs in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) at 613-520-2600, ext. 4156 or norah.vollmer@carleton.ca.

Best wishes with your application!