Teaching and Learning Services (TLS) is once again hosting new faculty and contract instructor orientations to help educators at Carleton become more comfortable with their new positions and more familiar with the university community.

New Faculty Orientation
All new faculty members are invited to attend our comprehensive orientation from August 18-20, as well as a special Family Day on August 22. The orientation will give you a well-rounded understanding of the expectations of your position, an insight into Carleton students and an introduction to other new and experienced faculty members and university administrators.

Get more information and register here. Please RSVP by August 10.

Contract Instructor Orientation
Whether you are a new contract instructor looking for a first-time orientation or a returning contract instructor looking for a refresher on university policies about teaching and learning, lesson planning, inclusive learning environments, cuLearn, and student motivation, we want you to join us!

Find out more and register here. Please RSVP by July 28.

For questions about either orientation program, please contact the OAVPTL at oavptl@carleton.ca or 613-520-2344.