On Friday, Oct. 30, the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) and the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) celebrated more than 100 Carleton faculty, contract instructors, teaching assistants and graduate students who have dedicated their time to enhancing the teaching and learning experience at the university.

At its annual certificate program graduation celebration, the OAVPTL honoured four of Carleton’s recent teaching award and grant recipients for their efforts, including:

  • Rachelle Thibodeau – Carleton University Excellence in Learning Support Award
  • Cynthia Cruickshank – CMHC Excellence in Education Award
  • Andrew Robinson and Steve MacLeod – Carleton University Contract Instructor Teaching Innovation Grant

Graduates from Teaching and Learning Services’ four certificate programs were also recognized, including those from the Certificate in University Teaching (CUT), the Certificate in Blended and Online Teaching (CBOT), the Preparing to Teach certificate (PTT), and the Certificate in TA Skills (CTAS).

Are you interested in participating in one of these programs? Learn more about the programs and upcoming cohorts here.

2014-2015 CUT graduates with Anthony Marini

The 2014-15 Certificate in University Teaching graduates with program facilitator Anthony Marini.

2014-2015 CBOT graduates with Anthony Marini

The 2014-15 Certificate in Blended and Online Teaching graduates with program facilitators Samah Sabra and Anthony Marini.

2014-2015 Cert. in TA skills graduates with Morgan Rooney

The 2014-15 Certificate in TA Skills graduates with program facilitator, Morgan Rooney.

A group photo of the 2014-15 PTT graduates

The 2014-15 Preparing to Teach certificate program graduates with program facilitator, Morgan Rooney.