Electronic classroom code
Carleton has over 150 classrooms equipped with at least a computer and projection (either a data projector or a large LCD panel). In order to use these rooms, you’ll need to obtain a key from Classroom Technology Support (CTS) in room D283 Loeb to unlock the teaching console. We can also provide you with passcode to unlock the touch panel that controls the data projector.

Having some technical problems in the classroom? Please do not hesitate to contact CTS at ext. 3815 or at cts@carleton.ca.

Weekend access to consoles
Starting at 7 p.m. on Fridays and continuing all weekend, teaching consoles will be locked down and unavailable for use without prior arrangements for a special access code. Similarly, Monday to Thursday, the same applies after 11 p.m. through until the next morning. To obtain access to the AV controls during this time, please contact Carleton University Event Support at ext. 1850 or at ims_conference_support@carleton.ca no later than 48 hours prior to your session or event and we will be happy to help.

Classroom equipment reminder
We ask classroom equipment users to be considerate to other faculty, instructors, staff and students by returning all devices to their respective charging bases so that any subsequent users will have a fully charged microphone or wireless mouse. It would also be appreciated if any movable furniture is returned to its designated location, the blackboards are cleaned and the teaching console is kept free of waste and clutter. IMS is grateful for your co-operation and wishes you a successful term.