My role as an I-CUREUS participant involved many iterations of the design process, which is essential in engineering. As a student of , I couldn’t imagine a more engaging and applicable opportunity than being involved in solar energy research, which is exactly what my I-CUREUS experience entailed.

This program allowed me to work under one of my most respected professors, Dr. Ian Beausoleil-Morrison of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, (for the Carleton Research & Innovation in Sustainable Energy (C-RISE) facility on campus).  In particular, my position exposed me to numerous facets of engineering processes, from designing and machining interfaces for mounting pyranometers for C-RISE’s weather station, to the installation of ducting for an air-source heat pump and insulating a thermal storage tank.

For those considering I-CUREUS, I would suggest speaking to a professor whose research interests them, and ask to get involved.  I can not recommend I-CUREUS enough – it has allowed me to get first-hand experience with the area of research that I’m most passionate about. Moreover, it has the most important and beneficial aspect of my experience at Carleton.

Ashley Hooker