Climate Commons Roundtable: Food Politics

Carleton’s Climate Commons Working Group invites you to attend a roundtable on Thursday, March 17 from 3-5 p.m. in room 2017 Dunton Tower.

Panelists: Andrew Spring (Wilfrid Laurier University), Leah Temper (Seeds of Survival, USC Canada) and Sonia Wesche (University of Ottawa)
Respondents: Peter Andree (Carleton University) and Jane Skapinker (Carleton University Dining Services)
Moderator: Irena Knezevic (Carleton University)

Light refreshments will be served.

Please RSVP here.

For more information, contact or visit

Workshop on Climate Change, the Curriculum, and the University

Participants in last December’s roundtable on climate change and curriculum discussed two key spaces of pedagogical intervention: the classroom and the university itself. Join us on Wednesday, April 6 from 3-5 p.m. in room 1811 Dunton Tower for a follow-up workshop where we will collectively identify concrete interventions that Carleton faculty members can make in each of these two spaces. The questions we will seek to address include:

  • What challenges do we face when trying to interest students in questions of climate change?
  • What strategies can we adopt to overcome such challenges?
  • What themes, case studies, reading lists, assignments, and research projects are most promising or have been successfully used by our faculty members?
  • How do we take advantage of the fact that learning also happens beyond the confines of our classrooms?
  • If the university is a repository of many kinds of material, financial and social resources that can help us effectively incorporate climate change in the curriculum, how do we find out what those resources are (or should be) and how to access them?

The moderators for this event will be Pablo Mendez (DGES) and Franny Nudelman (English).

For more information, contact or visit