One of the toughest jobs professors have is clearly communicating assignment expectations to students. If miscommunication happens here, students can be left frustrated and angry when their mark and the professor’s feedback do not add up to their own expectations, which can be very different than that of the professor.

Rubrics are useful tools for minimizing the discrepancy between the student and professor’s understanding of assignment goals and outcomes as well student performance, and cuLearn can make it even easier for you to create and use them!
On Oct. 20, join us for a workshop that will cover the ins and outs of building and using rubrics in cuLearn to assess and provide feedback on student assignments. You’ll have the chance to explore the different rubric options in cuLearn and create your own rubric for a course assignment.

The session runs from 2-3 p.m. in room 422 Dunton Tower. Space is limited, so please register here in advance.