The EDC is pleased to announce the five outstanding Teaching Assistants (TAs) who have been named recipients of the 2016-17 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards. The awards celebrate the support TAs give to the undergraduate programs in their disciplines, their roles in establishing a positive learning environment, and their work in implementing innovative teaching practices.

There were almost 140 TAs nominated, many with strong supporting evidence, which made for a very difficult selection process. The awards committee was impressed with the strength and versatility of the nominations as well as Carleton TAs’ dedication to enhancing student learning. After much deliberation, the following five TAs were selected as this year’s recipients of the award:

  • Justin Berquist (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
  • Matthew Conte (Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies)
  • Melissa Conte (Department of Sociology and Anthropology)
  • Noah Schwartz (Department of Political Science / Global and International Studies)
  • Rui Zhao (Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)

Each will be awarded a certificate at a private luncheon on April 19 as well as $250 for their commitment to improving student learning. Dr. Roseann Runte (President), Dr. Peter Ricketts (Provost and Vice-President [Academic]), and Dr. Joy Mighty (Associate Vice-President [Teaching and Learning]) will be among the guests present to celebrate the recipients’ accomplishments.

Because we received so many strong nominations, the committee also wanted to recognize and celebrate four additional TAs through honourable mentions. Each will receive an official letter from Dr. Mighty that recognizes their achievement. The following TAs were selected as honourable mentions for the award:

  • Shamarukh Chowdhury (Department of Psychology)
  • Jeremy Kielbiski (Institute of Cognitive Science / School of Computer Science)
  • Tiffany MacLellan (Department of Law and Legal Studies)
  • Nathan Woodruff (School of Social Work)

Congratulations to all recipients, honourable mentions, and nominees for the 2016-17 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Awards and Departmental TA Awards, and thank you to the nearly 300 students, peers, and instructors who took the time to recognize the fine work of Carleton’s TAs!