As you may know, Carleton’s Healthy Workplace initiative is an exciting program that is bringing workplace health to all Carleton staff and faculty. This initiative is working to help you enjoy a better balance between your responsibilities at home and work by offering you the opportunity to get involved in healthy activities that will benefit your physical and mental health.

The Healthy Workplace initiative is pursuing its platinum-level Healthy Workplace certification and silver-level Mental Health at Work certification within the Excellence Canada frameworks. As part of the preparation for the two applications, we are conducting a self-assessment. In an effort to gather feedback from the Carleton community, we are holding a series of focus groups with various groups across campus.

The Healthy Workplace Self-Assessment Team is inviting faculty to a focus group session on Thursday, March 16 from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. The session will be held at Baker’s Grill, located on the fourth floor of the University Centre, and breakfast will be provided.

Please confirm your attendance to Samantha Munro ( by Monday, March 13.