Have you been trying out new tools in your classroom or using old tools in interesting ways? Would you like to share your experiences with other instructors?

The EDC is looking to host learning seminars where instructors share their approaches to teaching with technology with other educators. Your first-hand experience using technology in your course could help inspire other instructors!

Learning seminars can take different forms – you can run the teaching session on your own, with the assistance of the EDC, or you can co-host the session with the EDC. The structure, time/date, and length of the session is flexible to work with your schedule.

Potential ideas for teaching sessions include:
– Using open educational resources in your class
– Peer review activities
– Providing rich feedback to students
– Time-saving techniques
– Facilitating student discussion
– In-class student activities

Please come share your teaching knowledge, tricks and ideas. Contact the EDC by phone at 613-520-4433 or email us at edc@carleton.ca to begin planning your seminar.

Don’t have time to present, but still want to share? Write an article for the TLS blog or screen record yourself talking about your course/activity/assessment that we can share with your colleagues.