Teaching and Learning Services is pleased to announce the official launch of our Raving Ravens initiative.

With the recent cancellation of the Capital Educators’ Awards, TLS wanted to provide another avenue for students to recognize educators who have made an impact on their experience at Carleton. Beginning this term, students can send a digital or hard copy Raving Raven to an educator, thanking them for a job well done.

In an effort to more broadly recognize teaching excellence across campus, anyone who receives a Raving Raven message from a student during the academic year will receive a lapel pin. Pins will also be sent to those who receive or are nominated for official teaching awards.

We hope that the Raving Ravens initiative will help recognize and celebrate the outstanding efforts made by Carleton educators to contribute to a positive student experience.

If you have any questions about this initiative, please contact us at oavptl@carleton.ca.