If you’re getting ready to teach your first course at Carleton, or if you’re returning after a break, you may have questions about policies and procedures, teaching tips and educational technology. Join Teaching and Learning Services on Thursday, Aug. 23 from 4:30-9 p.m. for our fall 2018 Contract Instructor Orientation to get the answers to your questions.

In addition to covering a variety of teaching and learning topics, the orientation also features a special presentation from your union representative and an interactive panel discussion on dealing with difficult situations in the classroom.

We’ll also be offering an additional half-day of workshops on Saturday, Aug. 25 from 10 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. specifically designed to help you get ready for a new term. Hands-on workshops include setting up your course in cuLearn, a syllabus course checkup and getting ready for your first day.

Browse through the tentative agenda here.

Whether you are a new contract instructor looking for a first-time orientation or a returning contract instructor looking for a refresher, we want you to join us!

Register here