Did you know you can use cuLearn to post lecture slides, create discussion groups, upload readings or videos, accept online assignment submissions, create self-marking quizzes, send announcements to students, and post grades? And these are just some of the possibilities.

So, what’s the best way to get started? Come to our introductory sessions in September and discover how you can make the most of cuLearn.

Part 1: The Basics
Sept. 12, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Join us for this session and learn how to navigate cuLearn. We’ll show you how to post a welcome announcement for your students, add course resources, such as a course outline and external URL links, and learning activities, such as discussion forums. We’ll also show you how to add a TA or co-teacher, make your course visible to students, add or remove blocks in your course page and set up your gradebook and grade columns. Learn more and register here.

Part 2: Tools and Techniques
Sept. 19, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Interested in using cuLearn for more than just posting a course outline and showing students their grades? Move beyond basic cuLearn navigation to explore and use more of what the tool has to offer. Let us show you how to use cuLearn to schedule meetings with your students, take attendance, solicit anonymous feedback, and set up groups within your class. We’ll also explore the cuLearn activity logs to help you monitor and check in on your students’ course activities, so you can see how they are interacting with the materials. Learn more and register here.