In collaboration with the Library, the Discovery Centre hosted its first ever Retro Gaming Night! The Carleton University Library seeks to preserve and protect the work of video game developers, publishers, and artists, for use by a diverse array of players and researchers.

It was also an opportunity to play, learn and connect with one another.

The following consoles and games were played:

  • The Classics
    • Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario Bros, Legend of Zelda
    • Donkey Kong, PacMan, Tetris, and more
  • The Consoles
    • Sega Genesis (with over 80 games)
    • Atari
    • Super Nintendo and Super Nintendo NES Classic
  • Virtual Reality Headsets
    • HoloLens
    • Oculus Rift

If you missed out, keep an eye out for future December dates, and get ready to play!