Blended and online learning is not only changing how and when learning is delivered, it is changing the very culture of our institution. All faculty members, contract instructors and staff are invited to join Carleton University OnLine (CUOL) for our open house on Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 12:15 – 4 p.m. to engage in meaningful discussions about the impact of blended and online learning.

Join us in 624 Southam Hall for a delicious lunch, meet and mingle with your colleagues, and participate in a variety of engaging sessions on topics ranging from the state of online learning at Carleton to dispositions of blended learning educators and dynamically generated math assignments.

Presenters from Teaching and Learning Services (Carleton University OnLine, Educational Development Centre, Media Production Centre, and Instructional Media Services) will then lead concurrent sessions on some innovative and new developments within each of the units.

You’ll also have the chance to win some great prizes and giveaways during the workshop sessions!

Browse through the complete agenda and register here.