Over the last eight weeks, our community has collectively adapted to successfully complete the winter term and begin a strong summer term with grace, resourcefulness and empathy. With the summer term now underway, we look ahead to the fall term as our next major milestone. As we look to September, we are conscious that we all continue to face unprecedented challenges as the public health crisis persists in our city, country and world.

The Carleton University Scenario Planning Working Group has just released its report on planning for Fall 2020. The report states:

While it might be possible to deliver some academic programming on campus by September, given the uncertainty regarding the course of the pandemic, we recommend that Carleton intensively prepare for the likelihood that courses and programs for Fall 2020 will be delivered online.

As you turn your attention to your forthcoming courses, please know that there is a high level of support available for course planning and design. In light of the recommendation in the report, we urge you to develop your courses in a manner that facilitates online delivery.

Teaching and Learning Services is currently working with Faculties to determine a priority list of courses to assist in preparing for online delivery but remains prepared to assist on the broad array of queries and questions that instructors will invariably have. Please visit the new Transitioning to Online Teaching page for additional details and request support through the intake form.

Teaching and Learning Services has revamped its training approach to include an expanded array of topics. In fact, more than 30 online workshops have been added to the EDC website for May, and more are being added as details are finalized. Topics include online student engagement tools, accessible and inclusive design, online assessment strategies, and pedagogical practices for remote/online teaching.

Please reach out—whether you need quick tips for integrating an online quiz in your course or you need assistance to strategize an alternate approach for an online course, we can provide support across all disciplines. We also have resources available for lecture capture for instructors who would like to incorporate some of this element in their courses. Discipline-specific teaching mentors can also provide support.  Library staff are also available to provide resources and guidance to faculty in preparing their syllabi. For online course readings, e-books, streaming media or other digital materials contact: Course Reserves. Librarians are also available to participate in class discussion boards, host online library workshops, or create subject guides, for assistance contact a research support specialist.

In the face of ongoing disruptions and despite incredibly unusual circumstances, we continue to advance our academic mission. We thank you for all your efforts in adapting to this new reality.


David J Hornsby
Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)

Jerry Tomberlin
Provost and Vice-President (Academic)