The Carleton University Teaching Awards Committee (CUTAC) is looking to nominate Carleton faculty for the 2020 OCUFA Teaching and Academic Librarianship Awards, presented in recognition of outstanding teachers in Ontario universities.

The OCUFA awards recognize exceptional contributions to the higher education community and student learning at all levels of instruction – graduate and undergraduate teaching, continuing education and faculty development. You can find the criteria for the awards and nomination guidelines here.

If you are interested in applying or if you would like to learn more about the nomination process, please contact us at as soon as possible. CUTAC will provide feedback to help strengthen your application and will help you with institutional endorsements. If there are multiple candidates for a limited allowable number of submissions from Carleton, CUTAC’s members will also adjudicate dossiers.

Draft applications must be submitted to CUTAC on or before April 22, 2020.

Teaching and Learning Services is happy to assist in preparing and reviewing nomination dossiers for submission in accordance with competition rules. Please contact us at

About the CUTAC

Established under the auspices of the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) (OAVPTL), the Carleton University Teaching Awards Committee (CUTAC) has the following responsibilities:

  1. Advise the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning) on an institutional strategy for enhancing Carleton’s success in external teaching award competitions.
  2. Review and update the master list of all teaching award winners at Carleton and recommend potential nominees for eligible external awards identified in the Teaching Awards Digest .
  3. Assist in communicating upcoming deadlines and soliciting eligible nominees for external awards.
  4. Assist in reviewing nomination dossiers for submission in accordance with competition rules, and provide guidance on strengthening specific nominations.
  5. Review and adjudicate dossiers when there are multiple candidates for a limited allowable number of submissions from Carleton.
  6. Invite selected members of the Carleton community to serve as ad-hoc members or sub-committee members to contribute to the nomination review process when specific disciplinary or domain expertise deems this necessary.
  7. Contribute to annual reports to the Provost and participate in celebrations for award winners.

The CUTAC is chaired by the Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning), or designate, and its membership includes:

  • 7 representatives of the teaching community, one from each faculty, appointed in consultation with Deans/Directors, and one from the Library
  • 3 previous winners of external teaching awards
  • 2 representatives of Teaching and Learning Services
  • 1 representative of the Teaching and Learning Council
  • The Manager, Faculty Affairs
  • 1 administrative support member of the OAVPTL