The summer just seems to have rushed by – It’s hard to believe that we are about to start a new academic year already! Whilst we all prepare for the start of the new term, some of us are focused for a return to in-person teaching, others for a solely online pedagogical experience, and some a mix between the two. It is a moment where a gamut of emotions exist – excitement, nervousness, anticipation, trepidation, exhaustion just to name a few. All of these are entirely understandable given how the past 18 months have unfolded.

Throughout the summer, TLS has been very busy preparing for the fall term. We have continued our work on things like upgrading classroom technologies, arranging Nicol Building, ad-hoc study spaces, workshops for Brightspace and, of course, plenty of online individual consultations to assist planning for the term ahead. TLS is here to help you imagine possibilities and address challenges for all types of modalities. With a bit of creativity and innovation, student engagement is possible regardless of whether your class is online, using HyFlex technologies or face-to-face. TLS staff are on and off campus working to support your success.

Recently, the TLS website was redesigned to provide easy access to resources integral to your success. Check it out. Our new Learning Management System (LMS), Brightspace by D2L, is now fully operational and has proven to be faster, more reliable and continues to offer a wide range of possibilities to our teaching and learning community that didn’t exist before, including an integration with Zoom. Our popular Students as Partners Program continues to be a great way to renew elements of your course in a student-centred way. This summer alone we had over 170 projects and we continue to accept applications on a rolling basis. If you have an undergraduate student you would like to work with, considering applying for this fully funded pedagogical opportunity.

In alignment with university developments, our portfolio continues to evolve. In recent weeks, we have made changes to our organization and key service areas that will allow us to take a more focused approach in supporting the diverse Carleton community. But just remember, whether you are interested in borrowing equipment, or want to consult with us about pedagogies, assessment strategies and educational technologies, or just need some assistance with recording your lectures in our classroom studios, we are here to help.

Thank you again for all your effort as we work in these extraordinary times. On behalf of the whole TLS team, I wish you and your students all the best for the fall term!

David J Hornsby
Associate Vice-President (Teaching and Learning)