Working Towards the New Future Learning Lab

The renewal is well underway on the fourth floor of MacOdrum Library, bringing us closer to the launch of the new Future Learning Lab at Carleton! The lab will add many new student study spaces, and be the place to connect, collaborate and innovate in teaching and learning. Some of Teaching and Learning Services’ newest initiatives will be operationalized and supported via the Future Learning Lab, including our recently announced Future Learning Innovation Fellowship.

A number of construction milestones have been achieved, including updates to ventilation and installation of the new carpet. This was a critical step, as over 1,000 pieces of new furniture will be arriving on the floor and the installers couldn’t begin furniture assembly on unfinished floors.

Over the next few weeks, the washrooms will be finished, electrical completed and paint applied. We anticipate reaching the milestone of “substantial completion” at the end of November or early December, giving us most of December to complete the AV and finishing touches.

It’s looking very positive for us to welcome the community to the new space at the start of the winter term!