Various forms of digital media are used as pedagogical tools, from projecting slide decks off Brightspace to 300-person lecture halls in Azrieli Theatre to sharing screens in a Zoom room full of graduate students.

How do you use digital media in the classroom?

A pilot project funded by the Carleton University Chair in Teaching Innovation award seeks Carleton instructors who have taught one or more courses in the 2022-2023 academic year for a study on their perceptions of digital media in their teaching, specifically through open access (OA) education resources and multimedia formats (MM).

The project members hope to better understand why instructors may choose to use open access resources and multimedia formats, what concerns they have, and what benefits and challenges they see in their use.

Participation is requested for three phases of the project:

  • Pre-pilot questionnaire (25-45 minutes).
  • Pilot project: development of course modules that utilize open access education resources and, where appropriate, incorporate multimedia materials. We will assist you in this endeavour. You will also be encouraged to work on your module with a current or past student or teaching assistant; and we will provide up to a $1000 stipend to the student.
  • Post-pilot interview (~1 hour)

This research intends to capture the perceptions and uses of digital media at Carleton University and create tools and resources to support faculty who wish to incorporate open access education resources and multimedia materials. The data from the study will inform research reports, conference presentations, and the development of open-access pedagogical tools for Carleton instructors.

The project team includes Drs. Irena Knezevic and Vincent Andrisani, faculty members and doctoral student Erin McHarge from Communication and Media Studies.

If you have any questions about this study, please contact:

Irena Knezevic
(613) 520-2600 ext, 8396.

The ethics protocol for this project was reviewed and approved by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board (file number #119316). For more information, contact the Chair of Carleton University Research Ethics Board-A via email at