Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Classroom Accessibility and the Student Experience: A Collaborative Discussion

September 21, 2023 at 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM

Location:482 FLL (Future Learning Lab), 4th Floor, MacOdrum Library

Join a collaborative discussion about classroom accessibility based on survey data from students!

Mako Hirotani, Psycholinguist and Associate Professor of Linguistics, will share some unexpected results of a recent study of the student experience with classroom accessibility, completed in collaboration with the Paul Menton Centre (PMC) and the Accessibility Institute. Mako will share easy-to-implement, practical tips to improve classroom accessibility, based on survey and interview results.

Laura Brawn, PMC Disabilities Coordinator, will discuss the role of the PMC and the services it offers. She will explain the process for instructors to arrange test/exam accommodations for students with disabilities.

Hunter Calder, PMC Student Support Officer, will share information and best practices for a variety of classroom services, including captioning and volunteer notetaking.

Come join our panel discussion! Hear more about the small changes that can make a big difference to your learners!

In this session, you can expect to learn about:

  • Student experience of classroom accessibility (particularly classroom acoustics and noise).
  • Strategies to improve the accessibility in your classroom.
  • The test/exam accommodation process for students with disabilities.
  • PMC services available to instructors and students with disabilities.

NOTE: This is an in-person event. The event will not be recorded live. However, a post-session recording will be available for those who wish to receive a copy at a later date. To register, complete the form below. Space is limited.