Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Grading Rubrics 101

August 22, 2022 at 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Any good assessment practice has three basic components: it is transparent, allowing students to understand why they received the grade they did and what they need to do to improve on their next performance; it is standardized, meaning that students receive like grades for like performances; and it is fair, meaning that students see a clear alignment between the experience of the course and the format/substance of the assessment. Rubrics can assist assessors in delivering on those first two priorities in particular. In addition, while rubric development can admittedly be time-consuming up front, a well-developed rubric informed by the instructor’s priorities and experience ca, over time, significantly speed up the marking process.

In this workshop, you’ll participate in activities that will enable you to:

  • Define the properties of a rubric (criteria, performance levels, weights)
  • Differentiate between different types of rubrics (holistic, analytical)
  • Discuss strategies for developing rubrics as well as the advantages and disadvantages associated with creating them

Our goal is that you will leave this workshop with the knowledge and disposition required to begin drafting rubrics of your own.

This session is intended for all participants who are involved in designing learning experiences, in any delivery format.

Space is limited. Please register in advance by filling out the form below.