Alan Gillmor

Alan Gillmor has had a successful and distinguished career since joining Carleton University’s Department of Music in 1971. He received the Faculty of Arts Teaching Award in 1982 after his students’ praise was consistently among the highest throughout the department’s evaluations.

He later was presented with a Carleton University Teaching Achievement Award, bestowed upon him the first year it was offered in 1992. Alan used this award to completely redesign the first-year introductory course on world music, as a part of his commitment to improving the pedagogy within the Faculty of Arts. He continues to do this by attending conferences and undertaking considerable research regarding the pedagogical matters and issues that surround university education of the liberal arts.

In 2002, Alan received a Capital Educators’ Award for his musical work in the School for Studies in Art and Culture, and in 1995 he was a recipient of the prestigious 3M National Teaching Fellowship award.

As a teacher who cares deeply about his students and his subject matter, he most notably is an educator who has demonstrated a passion for instilling in his students the same love and appreciation for music that has guided his own career.